
Instant Hydration of Stabilisers in Food and Beverage


The challenge was that mixing stabilizers typically requires higher temperatures and use sugar as a carrier to achieve effective hydration. “Fish eyes” of gel lumps often develop from this process necessitating long residence times for hydration which limit plant capacity.

The solution was that the Stabilizers only need to be added to a blend tank with a simple agitator and then pass the mixture through an APV Cavitator to achieve instant hydration.

As an example, a 3% or higher pectin content mixture will be completely hydrated cold without the need to dry blend with sugar. Xanthan, CMC, Guar, and carrageenan are other types of gums which will instantly hydrate without the need to spend additional time in hydration tanks.

The results were an increase in productivity and plant uptime achieved as less time was required in holding tanks waiting for hydration to occur. Also, filters and strainers do not become clogged in the process lines caused by non-hydrated lumps of gums which may have been prevalent in previous systems. Energy savings are also achieved as there is no need to heat the water for mixing and subsequent cooling after hydration. The small footprint of the APV Cavitator also allows it to fit into existing production sites easily. The 100% yield of added stabilizer systems lowers the amounts of high priced key ingredients in the recipes which results in additional economic benefits.

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